NYC Experience

  • As part of the New York Experience Program, we are hosting an alumni mixer to facilitate connections between alumni and students, between alumni, and between alumni and the University. The mixer will be held Thursday evening, October 10th at the Beer Authority from 7:30 PM until 9:30 PM. Tickets include drinks and hors d'oeuvres. 



  • The New York Experience is a trip to NYC to visit the large financial and marketing firms. The trip fee covers the cost of the mixer, two nights (Sunday and Monday night) at the New York Marriott Downtown (4x occupancy) and organization costs for the trip, such as gifts for speakers, etc. This option is a single person room option, meaning you will have the room to yourself with no roommates. 



  • The New York Experience is a trip to NYC to visit the large financial and marketing firms. The trip fee covers the cost of the mixer, two nights (Sunday and Monday night) at the New York Marriott Downtown (4x occupancy) and organization costs for the trip, such as gifts for speakers, etc. This option is for 2 to a room, meaning you will have one roommate for the NYC Experience. 



  • The New York Experience is a trip to NYC to visit the large financial and marketing firms. The trip fee covers the cost of the mixer, two nights (Sunday and Monday night) at the New York Marriott Downtown (4x occupancy) and organization costs for the trip, such as gifts for speakers, etc. This option is for three people to one bedroom on the NYC Experience Trip. You will have two roommates. 



  • The New York Experience is a trip to NYC to visit the large financial and marketing firms. The trip fee covers the cost of the mixer, two nights (Sunday and Monday night) at the New York Marriott Downtown (4x occupancy) and organization costs for the trip, such as gifts for speakers, etc. This option is for 4 people to a hotel room on the NYC Experience trip. This means you will have 3 roommates. 

