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Scouts of America: Merit Badge Programs Spring 2025 (6th - 12th grade)
Academic Year Programs
Scouts of America: Merit Badge Programs Spring 2025 (6th - 12th grade)
Join MarineQuest to complete a Scouts of America Merit Badge! These hands-on science programs provides Scouts the opportunity to explore the fields of marine science through lab based activities, discover all the life in a single drop of water, and value our coastal resources.
6th - 12th Grade
Feel free to sign up as a troop or solo
Oceanography Badge
Spend the day at the UNCW Center for Marine Science and complete many of the requirements for the Oceanography Merit badge. We will complete a number of hands on activites to prepare you to answer the prompts in submitting for your badge.
Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 8:45am - 4:30pm
Cost $50 (lunch is NOT included)
Location UNCW Center for Marine Science
Prerequisite - Must know square and bowline knots before attending
Exploration Badge
Participants will learn how to prepare and execute a kayak excusion. We will start in the lab and end in the field kayaking to Masonboro Island. At Masonboro we will execute a group decided mission and end the day back at the lab with clean-up and conclusions.
Saturday, May 3, 2025 - 8:45am - 4:30pm
Cost $75 (lunch is NOT included)
Location UNCW Center for Marine Science and the field
**Disclaimer: MarineQuest does not provide badges. A certificate of completed requirements will be provided. Scouts should provide the completed certificate to a Scout Master who can then issue individual badges.**
Prices range from $50.00 to $75.00 (price depends on options selected)
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Oceanography Badge: March 22
Exploration Badge: May 3
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